Mothers Tell their Stories of Navigating Work and Childcare, over the Generations

Public debates about mothers and work remain mired in the rational and economic, writes Carla Pascoe Leahy. But her interviews with generations of Australian mothers revealed that emotions played a big part in their decisions.


Making better dads

The Fathering Project is helping to equip fathers become the best dads they can be. Shane Green reports on how a simple idea of Dads' Groups based around school communities is making a profound difference on men and their families.


The Caterpillars and the Bush, by Emily Lam

The Short Story Competition run as part of our Arts Learning Festival showcased the creative talents of Victorian students. We've asked winners to record their stories. Our first is Emily Lam, from Presbyterian Ladies' College, joint winner of the Foundation - Year 2 category.


Best of the Web: Setting your Teen Free, and more…

Give your teenager more control, let kids fail often, get adults out of kids' sport, and more...


Logging on to Relaxation

Gamifying wellbeing is part of a new program that's helping students to de-stress and maintain focus, writes Professor Dianne Vella-Brodrick, University of Melbourne.


Why we’re thinking about the write stuff

Michael Broadstock is using the Feuerstein approach to thinking and learning with his children. A model airplane building session with his son was an opportunity to explore how things might seem the same but are different - including words.


Students go green by lobbying principal to ban plastic straws

Plastic straws are now banned at the Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School canteen, thanks to the efforts of a group of primary students. Find out more in the latest of our Community Connections posts.


Best of the Web: Dads Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes, Hard Work doesn’t Always Pay Off, and Navigating Parent-Teacher Interviews, and more

Our selection of thought-provoking and useful articles from around the web on educating and raising children.
